Sunday, September 2, 2007

All good things must come to an end...

Well this is the homestretch for Paul and Amber´s featherless adventures. While Amber will stay in turkey for two more months , Paul is headed for California in the morning. Yep i´m comin home!
İn our last couple of weeks together, we have done so much. Although we have many pictures, it represents only a fraction of what we have experienced. We visited the Palace which is where the royalties of turkey have lived. We also made our last round at the Grand Bizzare. Along with all of the small details we actually ventured on a boat to the tower where the actual Repunsel fairy tale is based from. İf have never experienced a wet burger, next time you are in turkey you know what to do.
This trip to the other side of the world was a true taste of culture far from that of the US. All of the food is fresh, the meat is freakin amazing and if you are up for a clensing the Hamam (turkish bath house) is just what it takes to rejuvenate and truly feel reborn. Dont thinık once that moving car will stop for a pedestrian. The honking of the horn is used as much as the breaks in a car!!
İ have been blessed by Amber´s family with thier generosity and welcoming İ cant thank them enough!!! Well here are some of the most recent pics that well, sum up my turkish experience.

Here we have our last trip to the grand bazaar (Kapali Carşi- meaining covered market). Amber cracks a silly face while her dad warms up for some serious bargaining.
This is one of many entrances to the main original grand bazaar. It was first established in 1461 and contains over 4000 shops.

Ahhh. This is only a taste of Suada after swimming hours. You don't see anyone here because the island was rented out for 2 weddings. This is a rare vacant site.

Capitano Cengiz. He took us out on the old wooden boat that belongs to the island. He says he would have never let them buy that boat if he were in Turkey when they had bought it. We almost sank on the way back from Kizkulsi after a moving boui ran into our boat. We both spent a long time scooping water out while Cengiz steared the boat against the heavy current. When we got back to the island he scuba dived under the boat and repaired it himself in the heat of the night. Cengiz can fix anything!

This was the pleasant moment before the attack of the bouı (boo-wee).

Amber snapped this beauty of a pic. Somehow capturing their faces upon hundreds of flocking pigeons.

This is the mosaic tree popular to magazine and music videos in the area.

This is Şebnem, Amber's uncle (Atilla)'s girlfriend. She is extremely generous not to mention a wonderful cook.

We posed for a good 30 seconds but did not mind.

Here lies the fortune of two lovers on their last day before parting for two months. It is common to interpret your fortune from the mud lines on the Turkish coffee cups.

After coffee the streets were filled with 2 protest strikes. This one had to do with a political stance involving Israel. Whatever was happening the police were ready with their riot gear.

The women on the mom's side of the family that surrounded Paul and comforted him as a guest in their homes and country.These are the people I (Paul) have to thank for every hospitable gesture and making this trip possible.From left to right, Renan, Amber, Anneanne=grandma (Humerya), Canan. Amber and İ were lucky enough to stay at Canan´s house for the 5 weeks that we were here. Utku, Canan´s son was nice enough to put up with our curse and stay in his room and sleep in his water bed and use his computer and play with his dog and constantly fix the internet for us. He would not let us take a pic. Don´t worry he beat me at chess. İ´ll let it slide.......................................................................